As usual the Gibson family has had a busy year, here are the highlights-
Ty- Loves being a firefighter. His first year with his TRT specialty has been filled with mountain rescues and difficult training exercises, like scaling down the side of the Tempe APS building (The biggest building by Tempe Town Lake) and doing drills/climbing all over Hayden's ferry, to name a few. They may be difficult but according to Ty they are a lot of fun too. He also affectionately picked up the nick name "tunnel rat" after getting himself out of some pretty tricky drills that included working his way through twisty, turney, completely dark tunnels. I find comfort in the fact that if he were in a building collapse, he could "tunnel rat" his way out of almost anything-with is air tank still on! He has picked up several hobbies, including a garden that took off this summer. He's not sure which ones will stick, but his love for cooking is definitely becoming a constant. He does the majority of the cooking at home, and we all love it (especially me!). He is also busy with his calling in our church as cub master. Planning pack meetings and going to 3 days of scout, although time consuming, has been fun for him too. Not sure how he managed to not have to work at a desk for his career or his calling, but it suits him. He did however, have no such luck in going back to school to get his bachelors. He is taking online classes, and has to work at a computer for that, but even than he goes outside or at least by a window whenever he can. We are home schooling again this year and Ty really enjoys participating, he comes up with the more creative and active lessons for them. He finds Joy in watching the kids learn & relishes the extra time too, since his job requires him to be away from home 1/3 of the time.

Cloey- She's done it again! In March Cloey was discharged from Hospice care. She doesn't need it anymore. In June we went back to Mayo Clinic and they said "We don't know how or why but as of right now, Cloey has no degenerative conditions". Well I know why, all the love and prayers for our little girl, I mean young lady :) Who knows what this means for the future, but for now she is happy and healthy! We are all enjoying her new found freedom without a trach and other health issues slowing her down (read her story here) We were able to go to the Grand Canyon this summer and stay at my childhood cabin which would have been too difficult even one year ago. Cloey is also able to do so much more with us and on her own now that she feels better and doesn't have to have trach supplies and a trained adult everywhere she goes. There isn't much free time with all the effort she puts into planning her wedding, but somehow she finds time for other things too. She loves Activity Day Girls and School. She is still at Brisas Elementary repeating the 4th grade with her same teacher and a long time friend in her class. She LOVES Taylor swift and falls asleep every night listening to her on her iPad. I sure hope she gets tickets to her concert in May for Christmas ;) She also loves to read, right now she is reading all the Junie B Jones books and has even started the first Harry Potter.
She continues to brighten the day of everyone she comes across with a smile and hug.

Last but not least, Brutus & Sheldon (or Shelby, that has yet to be determined)-
Brutus is getting old at 3 years now. He is a pain sometimes when he runs out the door and I get a call from someone who has my "sweet" dog that "just came right up to them. grrrrrr. or gets in the trash if he has been left alone for too many hours, but for the most part he is a buddy too everyone in the family. Our newest member Sheldon (or Shelby is an African Sulcata tortoise that was Cal's birthday present. He doesn't do much. He's a tortoise But the kids love feeding him and watching him when he does move. Cal can't wait till he is 100 pounds.
From all of us to you, have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Megan, I highly doubt you remember me but my husband and I were in a ward with you guys back in 2007/2008. Corona 1st ward I believe. We were only in the ward a short time because I became quite ill while pregnant and moved so family could help care for me while my husband worked. Anyway, my name is Rochelle Ashcroft and my husbands name is Kendall. I taught in primary and I remember your daughter Cloey, she was in the class below mine. I had some friends talking about the Ryan House and I was looking at the site and saw Cloey's story on there and saw her picture and was just amazed, I recognized her right away. I have often thought of your family. Our son has special needs, his doctore believe he has a mitchondrial disease. I remember looking up to you and your family while we were in that ward. And as we have traveled through our sons health issues, I always thought back to your family and your sweet daughter. I don't know when or if you ever will see this, I didn't know how else to contact you but wanted to let you know of what a great impact your family left on me and my husband. We have thought of your family often, we have continued to pray for your family, and maybe one day our paths may cross again. If you'd like to contact me you can email me at
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