We are finally updating our blog!
Right now I am
frantically packing and getting ready to head back to Mayo with Cloey. The short of it is that Cloey is still having problems breathing even after the trach. We are facing having to put her on a ventilator (breathing machine) at night. The information I have is that she will slowly become more and more dependant on the machine and require more and more time on it, significantly limiting her quality of life. We have made great efforts to give her a "normal" life, she is mainstreamed in kindergarten, goes to church, plays with other kids, gives hugs, makes jokes, runs, plays at the park, and is very much a part of a lot of people's lives. Being placed on this machine would make all of those things difficult if not impossible. We are hoping that Mayo will be able to find something else, or some other answer. We find ourselves at a crossroads with our little angel, and decisions way heavily at on our hearts. ok, I have to stop there, that is all I can say about that.
To raise the stress level a notch, little Lainey was in the hospital last week. after coughing for three months, it was determined that she has asthma. We started breathing treatments, and she kept getting worse. I took her into the pediatricians office, who gave her a steroid shot and another breathing treatment. It did nothing and she was visibly struggling to breath, so she was admitted straight to the hospital. She was there for 2 days of round the clock steroids and treatments, before she was doing better and sent home with 5 more days of the same. Now she is doing great and will get a breathing treatment twice a day for the rest of the winter. It ended up being bronchiolitis aggravated by her asthma.
On a lighter note-
Ty will graduate tomorrow on Dec 14th. I don't know if excited or relieved is a better word.
Cal is really excited about Santa this year, and keeps asking "how many more days?" He is also preoccupied with learning to read and write and is always asking "what does that say?" and "what letter does ______ sound with?"
In my attempt to keep up with blogging here are some fun pictures from this year, enjoy!
Welcome to The Butler House Blog
7 years ago
I love the picture everyone is getting so big! love you guys.
Yeah Megan & Ty! I am so excited to have you blogging. I love it. It seems like it is making keeping in touch a little easier. I just have to say you guys are amazing, you have 3 of the cuterst kids I've ever seen I might be a little biased though! I love all the pics it looks like you have had some fun which is good (with kids it's hard not too). We will be sure to keep all the kids in our prayers and hope that Mayo will be able to come up with another choice for Cloey. Miss you guys & love you tons. We can't wait to see you when you get home from Mayo maybe we can plan a get together.
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