So since it has been a year since I updated I decided to go ahead and forgo the Christmas letter this year and do this post in place of it. Maybe my New Years resolution should be to stay more on top of this blog.....
In February we took the plunge and moved to Gilbert. We love all the young families out here. There are kids everywhere to play with. At any given time there will literally be 20 kids playing on our street. It also feels so good to be in a house with a garage and a yard! I will admit it has been hard adjusting to some things, we loved so many people and the school where we were, but new friends are helping it feel more like home every day.
In March Cloey turned eight years old and was baptized. It was a very touching and spiritual event for our family.

In April we had a fun Easter in our new house, Cal turned 7 and Lainey turned 3. Cloey also got to go to the musical Cats thanks to Grandma Doris. It was so fun Cloey was smiling the whole time. We were in the front row handicapped seating and when the cats came out with only green eyes lit up, one sneaked up on Cloey, and she got so scared she hit it on the head with her program! I was afraid we would be kicked out, but instead the cast paid special attention to her through the whole show. In May I got to go to a No Doubt concert with my sisters. Gwen put on a great show and we had a lot of fun. On the Fourth of July we went to Schnepf farms. It was one of the only holidays Ty had off, so we made sure to have a fun day together. All except for waiting in line FOREVER so the kids could ride a pony. We also went camping in July. We had to leave Cloey at home since she needed to be on the ventilator at night, and just requires so much care in general, that it would not be enjoyable for her or the rest of us. It was tough to leave her at home. Something we have put off as long as possible, our family has never really been camping because of it,
but it was time. The trip was a good experience for Cal and Lainey to just be kids and not have to live on Cloey's care schedule for a couple days, and Cloey was none the wiser being spoiled at home. We also received a great gift in July. Ty's cousin nominated us for a program where a group of photographers choose a family with a critically ill member to do a photo shoot with and give them all the photos with copyright. Cloey was chosen! J'lynn Mak photography did a great job and gave us some beautiful photos we will treasure forever. In August, my aunt Becky married her high school sweet heart and Cloey and Cal were flower girl and ring bearer.
It was a gorgeous ceremony. We were glad to be a part of it and wish them the best. It was in California (which Cal says he owns since it has his name on it) so we selfishly took the opportunity to take a mini family vacation and got to Knotts Berry Farm and the Beach. September welcomed a new bundle of joy
-Brutus Ferdinand Willoughby, a Yorkshire terrier that fits right into our family. He keeps me company on the nights Ty is gone and the kids love to help take care of and play with him. We have had a few shoe casualties, but all in all he's been way worth the damage and shows promise to grow up to be a well behaved pup. In October our family was hit with the Swine Flu.
All I can say is it sucked. Thankfully we all made it through-eventually. We also were part of my sister Emily's wedding. Cloey got to be flower girl and I was the Matron of Honor (ewww that sounds so old!).
Ty was home for Halloween, so we got to trick-or-treat as a family. Our neighborhood was so cool! Nearly every house was decked out, there was smoke, a life size pirate ship, homemade scones and of course CANDY CANDY CANDY. The kids had a blast. November brought a Mayo trip. Ty's job allowed him to go with us which eased the load tremendously and we came home with good news! Check her blog for all the details (
Ty has completed his year of probation with the Scottsdale Fire Department. He received excellent reviews all year and I am very proud of him. He has had some experiences that have made him grow both as a Firefighter and a person. He really enjoys what he does and is making friends along the way. It seems like every week he's telling me something else he wants to be involved in at the department.
I have decided to home school the kids this year. It has been a rough start and we still haven't worked the kinks out, but the pros out weigh the cons, and we enjoy learning together as a family. I have been fighting with the school district all year to get Cloey the support she needs, and it looks like she will be going to school for special education with a nurse as her aid, part time beginning in January. After completing some classes online I have narrowed down what it is I want to do and am completing a distance program to become a Certified Lactation Educator. I hope to have a support group going by the spring.
Cloey left her old girl scout troop when we moved and now does Activity Days through the Church. There is something like 20 girls and they have all welcomed Cloey with open arms. She really enjoys being their friend and feeling like a big kid. Her and Lainey have become very-shall we say- independent this year. In a lot of ways, it's like we have twin 3 year old girls. Cal enjoyed a Hip Hop dance class and basketball. He also went on several field trips with grandma to museums and had a day at the Riparian preserve where he learned about leaves and rocks.
This time of year holds a special place in our hearts. We love the spirit that can be felt. It reminds us what really matters in life. We Love all of you we are lucky enough to call family and friends. Merry Christmas!
In February we took the plunge and moved to Gilbert. We love all the young families out here. There are kids everywhere to play with. At any given time there will literally be 20 kids playing on our street. It also feels so good to be in a house with a garage and a yard! I will admit it has been hard adjusting to some things, we loved so many people and the school where we were, but new friends are helping it feel more like home every day.

In March Cloey turned eight years old and was baptized. It was a very touching and spiritual event for our family.

In April we had a fun Easter in our new house, Cal turned 7 and Lainey turned 3. Cloey also got to go to the musical Cats thanks to Grandma Doris. It was so fun Cloey was smiling the whole time. We were in the front row handicapped seating and when the cats came out with only green eyes lit up, one sneaked up on Cloey, and she got so scared she hit it on the head with her program! I was afraid we would be kicked out, but instead the cast paid special attention to her through the whole show. In May I got to go to a No Doubt concert with my sisters. Gwen put on a great show and we had a lot of fun. On the Fourth of July we went to Schnepf farms. It was one of the only holidays Ty had off, so we made sure to have a fun day together. All except for waiting in line FOREVER so the kids could ride a pony. We also went camping in July. We had to leave Cloey at home since she needed to be on the ventilator at night, and just requires so much care in general, that it would not be enjoyable for her or the rest of us. It was tough to leave her at home. Something we have put off as long as possible, our family has never really been camping because of it,

Ty has completed his year of probation with the Scottsdale Fire Department. He received excellent reviews all year and I am very proud of him. He has had some experiences that have made him grow both as a Firefighter and a person. He really enjoys what he does and is making friends along the way. It seems like every week he's telling me something else he wants to be involved in at the department.
I have decided to home school the kids this year. It has been a rough start and we still haven't worked the kinks out, but the pros out weigh the cons, and we enjoy learning together as a family. I have been fighting with the school district all year to get Cloey the support she needs, and it looks like she will be going to school for special education with a nurse as her aid, part time beginning in January. After completing some classes online I have narrowed down what it is I want to do and am completing a distance program to become a Certified Lactation Educator. I hope to have a support group going by the spring.
Cloey left her old girl scout troop when we moved and now does Activity Days through the Church. There is something like 20 girls and they have all welcomed Cloey with open arms. She really enjoys being their friend and feeling like a big kid. Her and Lainey have become very-shall we say- independent this year. In a lot of ways, it's like we have twin 3 year old girls. Cal enjoyed a Hip Hop dance class and basketball. He also went on several field trips with grandma to museums and had a day at the Riparian preserve where he learned about leaves and rocks.
This time of year holds a special place in our hearts. We love the spirit that can be felt. It reminds us what really matters in life. We Love all of you we are lucky enough to call family and friends. Merry Christmas!